Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hallelujah, What a Saviour!

That is the title of our Christmas bulletin board, which we put up earlier this month. It's one of those simpler, quick boards that is rotated. The gift in the middle of the board was even made by someone else! But, the message is the important thing, reminding us of God's love in sending the wonderful Saviour that we have.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Blessings

This board is nice because you can change the window scenery, verse, and a few extras and create a Christmas board. With Thanksgiving and Christmas being so close together this can help save time and money - two things in high demand between the end of November and December. :)
Background: Plastic Tablecloth
Border: Store bought scalloped edging
Lettering: Colored Paper - done by Cricut w/Design Studio (that's how the letters for each word are connected to each other)
Scripture: Colored paper / Typed out
Picture Frame: Construction paper & Ribbon matching curtain tie backs
Window Frames: Thick card stock
Scenic view: Chalked Free-hand (Chalk does come off - afterwards we thought to put clear plastic wrap over the picture - then it might give it a look of glass too -- just a thought) (You could find something with a scenery already on it - like fabric, wrapping paper, a poster, etc.. and use that instead ... just be sure to make your frame the appropriate size)
Curtains: Lacy-looking plastic tablecloth cut in 4 equal rectangular shapes and tied back with ribbon (Top of "curtain" tucked behind window frame and stapled)
Tablecloth: Round plastic tablecloth cut on one edge then tucked down behind table and stapled from underneath.
Table: Brown crafting paper - cut out free hand
Fruit and Candlesticks: Cricut cut-outs. (stencils, die-cuts, or clipart are other options)
Bread 'n Bowl: Construction paper - cut 'n colored freehand

Christmas Ornaments

This board is in the nursery where we mostly go for "cuteness". I think this is very pretty though, and may use the idea next year for our card bulletin board and place cards on the ornaments. Personally I like to add a sentiment to my church boards with something like "Jesus is the Reason for the Season". Anyway, this one uses wrapping paper for the background and the ornaments. Ribbons "hang" the ornaments. I would guess she used a scrapbook puncher to make the ornaments designs. Very Pretty!

Christmas Cards

This looks fairly plain right now, but I'm posting just for the idea. Each year our church does a bulletin board where the church members can post a Christmas card to the entire church rather than write out a card to each person. This saves time and money plus brings a lot of interest to the bulletin board! Usually I use bright wrapping paper for the background, but this year someone else did the board for me. They decorated our church "country" like with brown paper, straw and plaid ribbons. It's hard to see in this pictures but the cards are "suspended" (not literally, just looks that way) from the brown, twine ribbons. It's a very different look from the past, but it's gotten a lot of compliments. Hopefully the board will be full of cards very soon!