Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I don't normally do Mother's and Father's day boards because I don't like the fact that I'll have to take them down within a few weeks of putting them up! (Leaving boards up for 3 months is much more my style! ; ) ) However, this year I was at a loss of what to do following missions month and my mind went to work on a quick simple mother's day board. I actually had a very different picture in my mind of what I would do, but as usual, while I was shopping I found other stuff and changed course. So, here you have a very pink look...background is pink and black polka dot wrapping paper from WalMart. I already had black letters on hand. Paper doilies (I cut them in half) and pink daisies can also be found at WalMart. Thankfully 2 of the ladies at church gave me a hand last night putting this up and it went quickly. I'm sure the ladies at church will be surprised I actually did a board for them this year! : ) HAPPY MOTHER'S day to all the Mom's out there...especially to my mom and mother-in-law!