Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Am the Vine

A friend of mine told me if I gave her verses she would put a board up with them. So, John 15:1-8 is what I gave her and this is what she came up with! I love it; thanks Elizabeth K.! She used purple wrapping paper for the background, brown (mailing paper?) for the "vine" part and artificial grapes (though my son was sure they were real and pulled a couple off to try before he realized they were fake). : ) I don't normally show this entired board because it's so long and we used one side for announcements. However, I decided to show it all this time since she did a great job making it all blend.

Attendance Chart Fall

Well, I guess it's that time of the break out the Fall decorations. As much as I don't want summer to come to an end, I do like Fall decorations! : ) This bulletin board is simply for my own "file". Nothing exciting, just my Sunday School Class Attendance Charts. I think I need to add something to this yet, seems kind of boring. My kids are too young to read though, so we'll see if I come up with something yet! : )