Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Earth is the Lord's

Well, I hate to say it, but this was, once again, a quick last minute idea. I bought some calendars at our Michael's this winter since they were moving across town and had calendars for 15 cents! I figured they would come in handy for a bulletin board one day. We have a young lady in our church who is going to start working on this particular board (it's in our main foyer) so I gave her some ideas for this one and she went to work picking colors etc. She did the work with my imput basically! So, though basic, it will work nicely for a few summer months.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Some great ideas! I design many of our boards at our church and just came across your blog!
Thank you for sharing.
I may take pictures of some of my boards and share sometime when I get a chance.
Thanks again and God bless!