Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Attendance Charts

Here's a post mainly to file for my own memory. These are my summer attendance charts. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly a quarter goes by, but I hope summer lasts a LONG time! Anyway, the charts were beach pictures this quarter. When I found water background I had to get's SO bright! Then I found a sea shell border so...wonderful...all set through August. One of our other teachers had aquarium attendance charts so she used the same background and border. I didn't take a picture of hers, but they turned out cute.


Elizabeth K said...

What a blessing that instead of 5 charts like the last few boards, there's 7!!! Praise Jesus!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I thought the same thing! And, I'm glad to see you found my blog! I'll have to make you a contributor before long! : )